Tag Archives: friend

I can listen if you need…

I can listen if you need.

A phrase that I have learned
and am trying to practice
as it is an action that doesn’t always come naturally.
I’ve always been great at
and talking
and talking and
talking –
forgetting to see the person in front of me
who needs my attention,
who may need a little of
my heart for a moment.
In order for me
to empathize
to hear
to care
to love.
It’s an intentional act
that lets the other person know that
we hear them
we see them.
I’m still learning this act
as I age.
As I parent.
As I partner.
As I friend.
I pray that I can come even close to perfecting this art
that others may know
that I am not just a talker with
But a friend with
an ear that hears
a heart that feels
a soul that loves.

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